Sunday, August 15, 2010

Starting Off

Sitting on my bean bag and thinking what to write, to get some thought I put my TV on. There you go another debate on national television as to how ready are we for Commonwealth Games. Great Question!!! I wish someone has answer to it.  Not sure about the corruption allegations which are doing the rounds, overlays are higher, games officials getting jittery, sports minister is forced to eat his words and chief minister of Delhi is hoping for some divine intervention.

Being an Indian I really want to see a world class event to be successful in India, its not that India had never hosted world class events (Asiad 1982, Cricket World Cup 1987 and 1996, Afro Asian Games 2007 (Hyd) and Commonwealth Youth Games 2009 Pune, Hockey World Cups) there are more events which could be bracketed under the world cloass events however no events has managed to generate so much media hype and public scrutiny as CWG-2010 that too all for wrong reason.

I remember reading an article about how 1982 Asian Games where brought to New Delhi, 1980 India got the bid to host the games and in 1982 we had our very first world class event happening in swanky new stadias. 2 years flat amazing!!! considering that Indian former Sport Minister who is so much against the games sat on the CWG-2010 expense file for 2 years that too when India got the successful bid in 2003.
I guess there is not enough time left in asking the question “Were the previous Governments wise in bringing the games to India”. We have only 50 more days left before the opening ceremony. I think its “bit” too late to ask this question. Government has spent 28,054 CR Rs  for this game. It just makes me think how many more godowns could have been created to stop grains from rotting or how many more districts could have been covered under NREGA.  Money spent is for good this is what government saying are we ready to buy this theory??? When we see there is rampant corruption all around. 

One of my very dear friend is working in Organizing Committee (OC) of these games and everytime I had a discussion with him around the negative publicity the games is generating I feel a pain in his voice when he says “ Kare Kallu aur mare Lallu” . It’s not worth mentioning who is “Kallu” out there.

India as we all know is better known for its magic tricks and amazing rope tricks. Just hoping that the OC, State and Central Government has some kind of magic wands in their hand which thay can use to clean up all the mess which is lying on Delhi roads so that the road to the CWG’2010 is far smoother and better than what it is now.


  1. Nice write!! Welcome to blogging. Keep writing :)

    BTW could you please also activate name/url option for commenting.

  2. A great write up..Thanks for sharing your candid and articulate thoughts on CWG 2010.It is indeed a matter of great shame and disgrace for common people to hear a clamor on CWG scams. I wish the OC and specially Mr. Suresh Kalmadi has valid answers to all the allegations.

  3. Good start Rudra... No special comments like others as m bad at it... especially when it comes to such heavy duty msgs...

  4. Thanks everybody!!! Please stay tuned, more to come..
